Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cri: 'Insightful' commentators..

Aamir Sohail can go from "India's fate sealed" to "Game on" in the space of one ball. That SHOULD pretty much seal his fate as a commentator. He has competition..what, with the likes of Ramiz Raja and Laxman Sing-along-a-krishnan?

With Dhoni and Piyush Chawla batting, how does Chawla's wicket seal India's fate? Oh ball..SIX! "Game on!", says Aamir Sohail. And as God may have it, just to prove his credentials as a commentator, Dhoni got caught the very next ball. Game on is suddenly game over! "Convincing win for Pakistan." Enough said.

On the other side, you have Ramiz Raja wanting the Pakistani captain to "install" a slip fielder. .EXE file anyone?

Then again, here goes LS with his "Voice of India Sixer!". LS, you really are the 'voice of India' sixer. Himesh, you have competition, finally!

1 comment:

Arjun J said...

U missed out some more great gurus of commentary .. Arun Lal . And who could forget Ranjit Fernando during an IPL game

" He hit the ball in the gap where there were no fielders "