Saturday, May 12, 2007

Tony Takloo WTF!

After a lot of thought, I've finally decided that I will sign off by the name Tony Takloo. You might be baffled as to how some strange being called Tanmay Keshav (whos not a takla by any means) could possibly sign off as Tony Takloo. But wait, lets not be hasty here....

A little bit of Sherlocking (Thats a word!) got me to this page...
I found that Tanmay's all over India are nicknamed as tanu, taNNu, tanny, tommy (I cant get this one maybe that strange species also meowed or something), tan, tanz, tanya (how weird), tyson, tannyboy and lastly a Tony as well!

I have been called tanu, tanny, tan, tannyboy and tony at some point of life or the other. Tony being the most distinct one, I thought I'd adopt it as my nickname.

But wait, theres a reason which is much more important and is actually close to my heart. At school, friends would call me Tony, a name which I think I was pretty comfortable with. When I was all but 12, I had gone for my routine hair cut with my father. There as usual I saw the owner of the saloon (man, he was as fat as you), who on seeing me would cast one of the most wicked smiles I had ever seen. And to add to my woes, everytime I came to the saloon, after getting my hair cut he would add a 'cute' "aaj shaving bhee karvana hai kya?" (for the sake of all the da's here it is to be translated as "Do you want a shave as well today?"). Wow I know I'm 12 but for God sake! Don't question my virility!

But this time there was something more which that devil of a barber had done. As was customary I had demanded of a "normal style" haircut, but after 15 minutes of snapping and cutting what I saw left me disgusted. "You have cut it too short! ", I had shouted at the barber, to which he protested saying it was what he did every 2 weeks to my hair. I stormed out of the saloon to find my father, and when I finally found him I started crying, complaining about the hastiness of that damned barber. We went back to the saloon to hand over the money, I hurled a few more accusations at the barber, it only infuriated me more. I felt my palm over my head, Ouch! Seeing that my tears were not to be stopped, my dad had asked me if I would like some wafers, to which i had replied in the affirmative. "Papa, bring the Magic Masala one...and please bring 2", I had said to my dad. Wow, in retrospect I can safely say, that Magic Masala didnt stop my tears, instead I was sweating from all over.
Well anyways, the barber had cut my hair really short and it seemed to me that I was nearly bald! And so Tony Dada became Tony Takloo :((

Initially, I used to hate that postfix being added to Tony, but now I look back at those very memories with fondness, yes even that barber. It is these very feelings which came flooding back to me when I thought of "Tony Takloo" as a nickname for my blog.

So please bear with this name for the time being at least, even though I am not a Takloo by any means today!


Arjun J said...

Wtf @ pic of ur back again .. Nice one man and thx for translating for the da's :p
Omg u forgot tanubcakes in that list :)

Blogger Bhaiyya said...

Welcome aboard.

Nice to see u blogging.

Btw ur page looks good: whatever and however u manipulated it, it looks good.

dan said...

i never knew about this hidden writer inside you..good job mate.

am quite sure ur gonna post some more interestin topics in the mere future..

so i'll be waiting for those.
