Monday, April 28, 2008

Introspection- The Toughest Inspection

Everyone goes through tough times in life when people around you question your attitude and your skill, whether it has to do with your outlook, attitude, academics, thoughts or relationships. However, if you’re confident about yourself, know what you’re doing and know that it’s right, you can always defend your actions.

But what if the person asking the questions is you yourself? Under such circumstances you’re defenseless, you yourself are not sure about what you’re doing, your confidence is dented. Introspection can eat you up, it can make your knees go weak. You're pitted against yourself-the perfectionist 'good' in you. Think of it as a bout of boxing, you're battling 'yourself' and your hands are tied. You take it in, punch after punch, blow after blow. It hurts, you take it in. It keeps coming at you, you try to evade it, it still finds a way through. You are no masochist, you feel like flattening your unrelenting, introspecting 'good' self with one deadly blow. But you're incapable of doing so. Introspection has to be the toughest inspection.

At the same time it is only fair to think that introspection to some extent is necessary and that all of us spend some time introspecting and thinking whether we are ‘good’. Over some time introspection is what adds to your steel and gears you up for the tougher challenges ahead in life.

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